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About Us

Transforming Purpose into Prosperity

You are on a journey climbing the magnificent mountain called LIFE. For that reason, you need a professional to walk with you the patch. A great life coach, counselor or mentor is like a professional climbing partner who will help, guide and encourage you. Maisha hub is that partner who will make your journey most enjoyable thus making you more apt to succeed. No climber attempts to conquer a great mountain alone. Why try to attain mountain-sized goals aline?

Our Why

Welcome to Maisha Hub where we transform purpose into reality which manifests in success and prosperity. Start your individual group or corporate journey with us today.

Our Models


We envision a world with happy people living out their life purpose.


To help you discover and transform your purpose into reality.

Core Values

These are our core values.
i) Integrity
ii) Authenticity
iii) Trust
iv) Respect
v) Team Work

Analyze the situation

We start with a reality check on where you are versus where you ought to be.

Walk the talk

We stick with with you and walk with you the path to your success, Maisha Hub is your accountbility partners.

Develop a plan

Througout expect research team we help develop a customized plan just for you to help reach your destination.

To your success

Our goal is to see you achiev yours. For that reason, we celebrate all the small and big wins together.

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